Omar Ibn Sayyid
Muslim Slave in America
A West African born Muslim, Omar Ibn Sayyid was a scholar learning under religious leaders in the area of Senegal.
He was enslaved as an adult and shipped to Charleston, South Carolina to serve under an abusive slave master. He escaped slavery, was captured, and then jailed in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Omar Ibn Sayyid wrote in Arabic on the walls of his cell, demonstrating his superior level of education and testifying to the culture of Muslims in West Africa.
Although he attended the church of his slave master, he continued to practice his learnings as a Muslim Scholar, give praise to the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), and wrote Surat about slavery and the converting of non-Muslims to Islam. May Allah SWT be pleased with him. Watch this video and for more info please click the Library Of Congress.
Prayer Hours

Masjid isn't open during these prayer times. If you would like to pray at the masjid please call 910-488-7322 to get access to the building.